
As a Condo Board member, I understand that education and communication are the most important tools to successfully complete a project.

Many times residents and owners don’t have a complete understanding of a repair or rehabilitation project – especially a large and expensive one. By providing details on the reasons, benefits, costs, and impacts, many of the owners will join in the team to get the project accomplished. Many times it’s difficult to determine the “next step” and get the project moving. We help to get resources in place to get things done!

Tim is a Board member of his current Condo and was President and Chair of the Engineering Committee in his prior condo association. He prepares presentations related to the operating and capital budgets, lessons for owners on the correct care and upkeep of components within their units, and an understanding of who is responsible for repairs and maintenance.

A strong history of Project Management

Tim was the Project Manager for the Columbus Regional Airport Authority and the program to “relocate” Runway 10R/28L 702 feet farther south. This essentially involved building a new runway, and decommissioning the old one. The program consisted of nine separate projects and involved stakeholders from Federal, State, City, and security agencies. The program was delivered on schedule. Based on several value engineering initiatives, the program was completed for $22 million less than the FAA budget estimate.

This was the first runway in the United States at a commercial service airport to have LED lighting installed. Tim worked with the FAA on this and many other Engineering issues, as well as Flight Procedures and Flight Check operations to assure a successful opening of a safe runway.

The project won several awards, including one from the Airports Council International – North America for the numerous green initiatives that were incorporated in the construction.

Topics I Can Help You With



Review the recommendations from your Reserve Study. Don’t have one? I can help you procure a qualified Consultant to provide one.



Does the current schedule take into account required review times? Is it realistic? Can it be improved?



Can projects be combined to gain savings? Will different phasing or construction options help lower the overall cost?


Requests for Quals

Get the best qualified consultant team for your project. We can help write a solicitation package to find the best qualified firm, and then help to negotiate a fair fee.


Competitive Bids

Solicit bids from contractor teams to get competitive pricing and a schedule that meets your needs.


“Pre” Meetings

To get the best quotes, hold informational Pre-Submission and Pre-Bid meetings for consultants and contractors. This provides them with knowledge of the site to provide a realistic quote.



Whether it’s for initiation of a project, or an explanation of the current status, keeping the Board and membership informed is critical to success.


Project Close-Out

Be sure that all subs and suppliers have been paid. Obtain the record drawings and warranties. Make sure everything is in place before signing that final check.

If You Have Any Questions,
Please Call 614-607-3997

Let’s discuss how we can deliver projects better.